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Don’t know what to do

Me and my husband are married for 7 years and have two kids 3 year old and 2 mo old . We have been friends over 15 years . Ever since i got pregnant with my second our relationship got worse . While i was healing from my c section i discovered in his phone that he was looking for some singles in our area on Craigslist . I confronted him he apologized for hurting me and said he was looking for something else there and this popped up so he just got carried away . Just after few weeks i see in his email that he registered himself at some porn websites . I was just heartbroken . I asked him why are you seeking such women he said nothing just he was frustrated and he loves me bla. We have not been able to have sex for a long time since i was pregnant then recovering . On the top of that we had million verbal and some physical arguements. I want to divorce him but i love him and my kids too much to let this happen but i just can’t trust him anymore that he may cheat on me someday .

Re: Don’t know what to do

Nelly: My ex often went to strip clubs and to Hooters, but never cheated with a woman (some people feel going to a strip club and to Hooters is cheating, I know). He also called me names several times during the marriage and shoved me once. You could also go to a Divorce Attorney to see what is at stake if you divorce. Sometimes the consultation (first visit) is free. Family Lawyers who also handle divorce are best when kids are involved. You should also call the Domestic Violence Hotline because he has physically abused you.