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My Husband Cheated, I left now he has been diagnosed with Cancer

Hello!! I am really lost. I found out over a month ago that my husband has been having a long time affair. We have been married for 18 years. I have left him and now live alone and I am happy with that decision. He will not admit the affair, even though I have proof. He told me today that he has been Diagnosed with prostate cancer. Now I am totally confused, I feel guilty about leaving, but he is still the one that caused it. We do not have children. Why do I feel like I'm the bad one???

Re: My Husband Cheated, I left now he has been diagnosed with Cancer

Leigh: My ex also had the same thing. It is a highly treatable/curable form of cancer if caught early. You are not the "bad one" - just something that happened and it doesn't erase his past, and, if you are content with the way things are now, keep it that way.