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I’m hurt

my husband of one year ..we separated because I caught him texting and talking to another woman .. the mistress told me she didn’t have sex w him but I was still heartbroken .. so during our separation he told me he had an std and has had it way before he met me and was getting treated for it and I should get checked ... my results came in today and they are all negative .., wth! This means he was w someone else shortly after we separated .. I know I left him but I’m still so hurt and disappointed .. we started individual counseling last week in hopes to reconcile.. have now been separated and not intimate for 6 months .. these results just make me so sad that he was with someone else .. I know I would be sad if they were positive too .. I feel so betrayed .. so dumb .. so used ... it’s like he has to life’s .. he was the best when we met and before I uncovered the emotional affair .. I’m in a world of confusion and disappointment

Re: I’m hurt

Oh my goodness...your marriage is so short so far for you to have been experiencing something so terrible. I hope you can move on unlike me who has been married for 30 years...it’s agonizing to prolong a marriage that isn’t working. Eva

Re: I’m hurt

Life they say is full of ups and down,
Probably it was not destine that you guys will be together till death.
Stay strong guys,
I am an african an I have reading ur sad stories .
You can get me on whatsapp +237676667327

Re: I’m hurt

Thank you, it’s so crazy ... it’s so hard to let go but I have to .. thank you

Re: I’m hurt

You should not feel too sad because you just followed ur heart desire.

Re: I’m hurt

Cindy: I'm sorry this happened to you. It is better all of this happened early on in the marriage if it had to happen - before you had a lot of time, etc., invested in this marriage. It seems like he was not ready to be married or didn't take it seriously. Take time to heal yourself and best wishes.

Re: I’m hurt

Very true .. I would often think he wanted both marriage but fun times on the side .. it feels better when someone agrees thx you for the response .. it helps