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Husband refuses to tell truth

My husband is having an affair has been for over 4 years sneaks her in my home meets her every chance he can?? I have security system cameras n still have not caught her on film help any one out there with suggestions

Re: Husband refuses to tell truth

The best way to get him caught would be to hack his phone my dear, it works like magic. You get to see it all, those deep secrets he has been hiding from you for years. Here is an hacker who helped me hack and clone my scum cheating fiancé's phone [paragonhack AT protonmail DOT com]; I'm so grateful to him cos only God knows what would have became of my life if I had went ahead to marry that scum.You can contact him, he will surely help you.

Re: Husband refuses to tell truth

Have you stayed at home to see if you can catch them? Have you setup surveillance cameras in your house? Have you asked your neighbors to watch to see if they can catch her and him coming in and out of your domicile?

I am so sorry you have to go through all of this. I wish you the best and will be praying for you.

Re: Husband refuses to tell truth

I caught my husband by looking at the cell phone bill. He was too stupid to realize all texts and calls are logged.