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Don't know what to do

Nearly 8 months ago my husband stopped working as he claimed he had a stroke. Since then everything has been on me: childcare, school runs, home chores and on top of that a full time teaching job.
I had suspected foul play for the strt, but when I called his doctor fee months after the incident, she confirmed that all tests had come clear and that it is positively not a stroke.
My husband insists on this farce however as he keeps confirming his lies. His family turned back on me since they had expected me tobtake time off work to look after him and I refused, especially since a carer comes in 2 a day to give him a bath and make meals for him.
I am very scared however, scared that he is going to take my son away from me. He never was particularly involved in child care except school runs, and now of a sudden he gets really involved and I can see he cleverly moulds him (my son is only 7). His parents literally told him to "get tid of me, he redirected all his post to his parents so I don't have access to any bills, my mail gets lost all the time, even the tax credit awards got missing and I wasn't able to renew it yet.
He . For the first 6 months he's been onlly playingcomputer games nothing else, not even playing with our son or getting involved. For the last 3 months however he's been playing with him, getting interested where he's going with me, asking lots of questions, etc., which suggests that he plans something. I'm mostly at work or running to pick up a little one from school so sometimes I am so busy and tired I don't always have time to spends quality time with my son or snap, I worry he might use it against me.
Also I know he's been going outside a little bit with his "physiotherapist, the neighbors ask about him because they can see him walking using walking sticks. God knows what he's been telling them but I worry he might take them as witnesses bevy obvious I don't know what he tells them about me about his health etc.
Please can someone help me and advice how I cam tackle this, maybe you've been in a similar situation? I don't really care about anything else except my son, as I don't anyone to take hin from me, especially that I know my husband 's family isn't very cloyto my son and they have never been involved or interested much in his life so I fear they wouldn't be able to provide a loving and caring environment for him.

Re: Don't know what to do

Pamela: See a Family Attorney "Solicitor". (From what you have written, it appears you may be British, my Mum is). Good luck. He sounds like he's mentally ill and/or doesn't want to work.