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Child's Mother Constantly Checks On Kid - Causing Anxiety


So I married a man who has a 10 year old daughter. Him and his ex wife have a one week on/one week off visitation schedule.

The problem is that even though she sees her daughter every 6 days, it still isn't enough. I've been married to my husband for 1.5 years and in that time we have never done a single thing neglectful or harmful. Every time she gets sick, she's never missed a dose of medicine and we have never missed a dr appointment.

And yet this woman STILL calls her daughter every single day to make sure she took her medicine when she's sick. I tried to tell her to back off, she needs to trust us (unless we give her reason not to).

It makes our daughter not trust us and gives her anxiety, which she definitely doesn't need.

Is this normal though? Do biological parents normally call to make sure their kids took their medicine every day?


Re: Child's Mother Constantly Checks On Kid - Causing Anxiety

No, its not normal. I'm not sure how the mother is contacting the daughter but its ok for you to put limits on this. I would suggest turning off the ringer on the phone or putting the phone in a drawer after school. Its obvious that the mother is putting her clingyness onto the child. I'm also not sure how old the child is...but its definitely something that over time, the child should learn how to control by putting boundaries around contact time with their mother.