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countless court orders to pay alimony and still ignores

I'm at my wits end, my ex has been ordered to pay me alimony 6 times now in last 18 months and still refuses!! Why isn't anything being done? How can he continue to get away with this? Each time I put a motion in to enforce the prior ones, it's costing me $1000, we always ask to be reimbursed for the cost but Judge doesn't grant only orders him to start paying and tacks on extra $35 to catch up arrears.....which are almost 10 thousand dollars now!

Re: countless court orders to pay alimony and still ignores

Still unable to collect alimony!! Got the judge to sign a wage attachment in August of 2018 based on what ex said was his income....guess what?, he lied! County Probation has been unable to collect! Arrears are at $15 thousand, I'm struggling to live; each month I'm robbing Peter to pay Paul. I've cut so many corners that it seems like I live in a circle! Keep the heat set at 60* because can't afford it, just keep putting extra clothes on; generally sit in a very dimly lit room because the electric is too expensive and barely eat because food cost too much! Unable to get any type of social services because the state's computer system says I'm getting XX amount of alimony......of course it doesn't show that I HAVENT gotten a cent though!!
Legal fees are outrageous trying to get the courts to do something!! So frustrated!