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Busing Situation in Ohio

My ex-husband and I divorced in Feb. 2016. Their dad was able to pay for the mortgage, so he retained the family home. Both my boys are special needs, and our school district is ****, and we worked our butts off to get them to a charter school in the area. Their father kept residential parent for the purposes of school placement, because there was no way I was rocking that boat.

In Dec. 2017, I bought a home in the same school district as my boys' father. I called the school district prior to the purchase, and they said it "should not be a problem" to bus to Dad's on Dad's days and to Mom's on Mom's days.

Well, then we moved to the new house, and all of a sudden, the school district says, "Oh that's up to the busing company" and the bus company says "oh that's up to the school district" and they ran me around for four months before saying "for the safety of the students, we only bus to the same location every day of every week."


So, my boys attend a special school where they must be picked up from their own driveways. We live in the same district, and there is another student two blocks away. They can't tell me there is a financial hardship to pick up from one specific house instead of another. But "what if the bus driver forgets the day??" is what I'm getting. And I want to know how to fight this.

In order to transport my kids, I have to drive 45 minutes in the morning to school. AND THEN I have get off work at 2pm in order to pick them up at 2:45pm. This is NOT good for my job, and while my office tolerated it last year, they will not this year.

What can I do?!?!

Re: Busing Situation in Ohio

In case anyone else runs into this situation:

The kids are allowed to get off at another stop on their route if they have a note. So, what we are going to do is that I will be residential parent for one son, and their father will be the residential parent for the other son. This way, both our houses will be on the route. During Dad's days, he will need to pin a note to the backpack of the non-residential son, and that child will be permitted to get off at Dad's stop. During my days, I will pin a note to the backpack of the other son, and he will be permitted to get off at my stop. :-D

It's beyond stupid that we have to do this, and we'll have to figure something out when the oldest is no longer in school and the youngest still is, but for three more years, this should work. We really just have to convince the court to allow such a bizarre split in the responsibility.