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Year of Thorns - my year of hell trying to break free


Check out my daily blog - I hope that by sharing my story will help others trying to break free.

I was married for 27 years, together for 30. I didn’t know it then, but I was married to a narcissistic psychopath. When I finally had my lightbulb moment, when I realized that divorce wasn’t an option, but a necessity, my life depended on it. I began to research, study, trying to figure out how I’d gotten to this place in my life.

It all started with a friend telling me she was verbally abused.
Something in what she said resonated with me. And so began my road to recovery and freedom. If I can help just one person, then it’s worth it.

I was a husk of the person I used to be. I was depressed and abused. Then slowly, through my research I learned that my ex was a narcissist. I then identified 17 emotional manipulative tactics that I recognized that he used on me. And with each passing day became stronger to break free.

I was text book. Only I didn’t know it until I saw the light. I began journaling throughout my year of divorce. My year of a living hell. My Year of Thorns.

Then I wrote a book - I’m looking to get it published and a blog. Through my journaling and writing you can see my transformation. If nothing else, it was therapeutic for me.

Women have power in their words and in their truth, their reality. Check out my blog.

Re: Year of Thorns - my year of hell trying to break free

I will definately be checking out your blog. I am one of those verbally abused cases and am a shell of my former self. I just don’t know HOW to leave because it’s all going to be turned back around on me!

Re: Year of Thorns - my year of hell trying to break free

Hi there,

You need to make sure that you’re emotionally strong before trying to leave a narc. My divorce is not final yet, but I am close to a settlement agreement.
What saved me, was that I did not speak to him at all. I pretend that he doesn’t exist. Like he is a piece of furniture or invisible. It was hard in the begining, but I got used to it.
I ignore everything he does. He tried to push my buttons to get a reaction, but I do not react. Even when he walks into my room and take my stuff, I make as if I do not see him. Like he is invisible.

It is a cruel thing to do to someone, but it protected me over the past year. It also meant that he needed his narcissistic supply, which I was not giving. I think he then needed to get a new girlfriend as the one he was cheating with was not enough.

I pray everyday for God to give me strength and wisdom. It is the hardest thing that I have ever had to do. It is also the bravest. I am proud of myself for sticking it out. I am almost free....