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Should I leave?

My husband will not give up smoking pot. He even smokes it when he is home alone with our daughter. He will buy it even when he can't afford to pay his bills. I have asked multiple times for him to stop, and he says even if he says he will he will just continue to do so behind my back. This isn't the only problem in our marriage but it's a pretty big one. I have suggested a trial separation, but then he says we might as well just get divorced. I'm not sure what to do anymore. He says I knew this about him before and just need to "accept him for who he is"

Re: Should I leave?

Only you can answer if it's a big enough issue to make you leave. But if it's something you don't want in your life/marriage, and he's refusing to give it up...then the answer to your question is already there.

Hugs to you.