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ex quit paying settlement agreement , lost job

I divorced 3 years ago.. I took a settlement agreement instead of life time alimony. Settlement states for 10 years no matter of co habitat or marriage..
I took the settlement because my daughters (twins) are in collage and I use it to pay their tuition food gas,, on other ongoing bills left behind..

I received a lengthy letter from him on how he lost his job and is unable to pay settlement agreement and not sure when he can make next payment.

with the job loss he has also quit the medical insurance agreed on in the decree.. The twins are 20yrs and he has agreed to pay til 22..

I have since moved out of state with a family member and not sure how to go about enforceing the decree.
Divorced was final in California..

Thank you for any advice on this.. its been over a month since any payment and feling the pinch.. :slightly_frowning_face:

Re: ex quit paying settlement agreement , lost job

My soon to be ex, quit his job (said he got fired) from his job during our divorce. No support for me or child. Finally he got COBRA, but didn't have med ins for awhile. We're going after his assets..
Check with an atty about how you take him back to court to get $. Does he have other assets, ie. pension, ira's, etc..? You can get him to pay from those via court and judge.

Did you state in our settlement if he didn't pay and you had to take him back to court, that he would pay the court and atty. fees?

Good luck!

Re: ex quit paying settlement agreement , lost job

Stacy: My ex lost his job before the divorce was final. We had a court date and the Judge sent us all home. Like the other poster wrote, maybe you could go after his other assets....see a Lawyer. I got alimony 9 months after filed. I went to the local Food Pantry, free church suppers and shopped at thrift shops for clothes. Do what you have to do to get by. Maybe you could get a responsible roommate.