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Sole legal custody

I have been divorced since Oct. 2015 and we were separated for almost a year before that. My ex has seen our 4.5 y.o. 2 maybe 3 times since. He didn't show up to court or take the parent classes during the divorce. I have sole physical custody with him having visitaion rights (he doesn't use it). He has not paid child support or even sent a birthday card. He is supposed to supply insurance through the military but hasn't. Maybe 3 times a year he calls to talk to me not our child, to say he will come down when he can , and that he wants to "talk" about his legal rights. A.K.A. he wants to be in control. But he hasn't ever come to town. I don't even know where he lives now all I have is his phone number.

LONG STORY SHORT... I want SOLE LEGAL CUSTODY so I don't have to worry about him showing up and confusing our child who doesn't know him because even when we were married he wasn't involved. How do I go about doing that? Do you think I stand a chance? I've been mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, everyone.

Re: Sole legal custody

See a Family Lawyer about this.

Re: Sole legal custody

They havent given the advice i want. They will go forward with it, but i want opinions not "whatever you want"