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How do I end it?

I’m trying to get some advice here. We have been married a little over two years. I should never have married him to begin with. I did it for comfort and figured that the rest would fall into place. Well that was a slap in the face obviously. We have no children, but do have a house together. We almost considered the divorce path in December and we somehow moved on from that. He made multiple comments that he would go after everything out of spite for me. And honestly at this point I just do not care. I just want it over and for me to make a clean break and move forward with my life.

The biggest question and concern i am having is we are in a 50/50 state which is crap. As well as what should I expect from the house. I DO NOT want the house. I legit want to just pack up and move out ASAP. Anyone able to give me some wisdom of how the house part works as well as how much longer does that make our divorce take. We are also in a state which has a 69 day waiting period.

Re: How do I end it?


It sounds like you are putting obstacles in your own way. If you want out, get out. Then only speak to him through a lawyer that you retain and who is working out the details on your behalf.

Re: How do I end it?

Lex: In a short marriage like this, the house is usually sold. A Realtor comes and he/she will tell you how much the house is worth. Have your Lawyer speak with his Lawyer like the other poster wrote. I've read if you leave the marital home, the spouse has the upper hand.