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Has anyone ever fired their lawyer because they ran out of money?

I have asked my lawyer to withdraw. I already owe her $800 and the bill keeps getting bigger. I do not want to go into debt over this divorce. I wondered if anyone had ever started with a lawyer and then 'fired' them and finalized the divorce without a lawyer. There are no assets or anything to fight over - just some summer vacation plans for one of the kids. I was bleeding money to the lawyer and there was no progress to speak of. I'm hoping someone has done what I'm doing and has a happy ending!

Re: Has anyone ever fired their lawyer because they ran out of money?

Chris: Since there has been no progress in visitation for that one child utilizing a Lawyer, a Judge will probably make the final decision - taking into consideration also the age of the child and their ability to decide for themselves. Go on line to the Women's Bar Association and see if there is anyone available to do "pro bono" (free) legal work for you. Research the divorce laws on line for your State on a reputable site. Our daughter was 18 and a full-time college student so she decided to see him rarely (he had a girlfriend she didn't like). My family helped me pay for a Lawyer who didn't charge a lot since she worked out of her home. She's a Family Lawyer. They are best when there are kids involved.

Re: Has anyone ever fired their lawyer because they ran out of money?

Hi Lara,
How do you know if any of the lawyers are good on this site? It looks like you must be a member (an attorney) to get into the site. What 'reputable' sites are out there for finding a good attorney?

Re: Has anyone ever fired their lawyer because they ran out of money?

I'm not an Attorney. Another poster recommended the Women's Bar Association for women in need of legal advice who didn't have the money to pay for one.

Re: Has anyone ever fired their lawyer because they ran out of money?

As far as i know many people use internet services for divorce. Why? Because it is more cheap and comfortable, you can save you money and time. My colleague took advantage of the service https://divorcefiller.com/ 6 months ago . He was pleased.