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Should I trust him

This is my second marriage. I hastily entered it a few months after he divorced was final (after my first husband had an affair). I was so low , lonely and vulnerable that I jumped into something I knew wasn’t right. Now two years in, I still have trust issues (partly beacon my first husband and secondly because my current husband is secretive about his phone. I have found pictures of old girlfriends, and hidden messages from women. He says my jealous is too much but I have a feeling he isn’t what he says he is (preacher). My first husband was also a preacher. I have no faith in people anymore (just God). Should I divorce yet again? I am struggling with it spiritually. Or should I tough it out? Help please or please pray.

Re: Should I trust him

It doesn’t seem you have a lot to lose if you leave. If you don’t have trust now that it’s been 2years in a relationship then there will only be more doubts ahead. Save yourself from aggravation and get out of it now.

Re: Should I trust him

I would never want to ruin somebody's marriage but I think you've already seen the signs and you sound like a really strong woman. I've only been married once and I was married for almost 30 years and I saw the signs but I didn't want to believe any of them. You sound like a really strong woman I think you know what you need to do just be safe girl and take care of yourself.