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Deciding to go to custody trial

I need some advice regarding custody. I had a child & family investigation conducted which recommended that I be granted primary custody of my child. While I am very happy about that outcome, I am not pleased with the parenting schedule outline by the investigator. The proposed schedule says the father should have 3x3-day weekends each month plus an additional mid-week overnight. Because the father is self-employed, works only ~20-30 hours/week, and has 4 months off each year while I work a standard M-F work week, I have requested that we alternate weekends while maintaining the same number of overnights with the father as previously recommended. I've tried working this out between our lawyers but he won't budge, saying he will only accept the schedule recommended by the investigator. It is extremely important for me to preserve weekend time with my child, and I feel the father is being spiteful. I am considering going to trial but am worried the judge may grant me less time than originally proposed. Does anyone else have experience in this scenario, where you are arguing for a different parenting schedule than what a CFI recommended? Or any advice on navigating a custody trial in general?

Re: Deciding to go to custody trial

There should definitely be a fair amount of time for both parents, especially weekend's, regardless of his working hours. Your lawyer should fight this.

Re: Deciding to go to custody trial

I'm in a custody battle as well. Scary thing is, everyone tells me the courts tend to favor 50-50 parenting schedules these days...one week with mom, one with dad. Total BS.
In your case, though, going to a judge might be the best bet. If the parenting coach recommended the kids have primary residence with you? focus on that - not on the schedule he/she proposed.
Good luck momma