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My name is not on the Deed or Mortgage.

I’ve been with my husband for 23 years and married for 19years. We have two boys14yrs and 5yrs. I recently filed for divorce and had moved out of the house for about a year now. I just found out that my name is not on the deed and Mortgate. How does this affect me? He hired a lawyer so in turn I hired one even though I couldn’t afford it. With the lawyer fees stacking up, I feel it has gone nowhere. My kids has been appointed their own lawyer but he just told me that he can’t decide for them and that it might just be decided in trials. How does this work....I have a lawyer that’s not good with communicating and just yells at me. But I have already spent so much and can’t afford to hire another one. Please help with any advice that may help me. Thank you

Re: My name is not on the Deed or Mortgage.

Ruby: Other posters on this site have advised women not to move out since it gives the other spouse the upper hand in the divorce. (I was given papers to leave by ex's Lawyer). My Lawyer told me to stay. He had money to buy another house and eventually did. Both Lawyers soon told him to leave before the divorce was final because he shoved me once without provocation during the marriage. I was married for 21 years. In most instances the marital home is sold and the money is split. I was able to keep my house because I was injured/worked very part time/over age 45/long term marriage/full time mom for half the marriage, etc. My and his Lawyer talked to each other mostly. That's how it's done. Every phone call, e-mail, court time, face-to-face meeting, etc., they charge you for so …………...only when it's urgent (it's usually a "don't call me, I'll call you" type of thing. Lawyer are generally busy. The Lawyer wanted me to get the house - daughter was 18 and a full-time college student still living at home (Community College). The Judge okayed me having the house and his Lawyer, a Notary also, notarized the Deed paperwork and I just picked it up at City Hall. Since your kids are still underage, you may have a shot at keeping the house so as not to uproot them. Check the laws on line in your State. You didn't say whether or not your name was ever on this Deed or whether he just had his Lawyer put just his name on it now (because you moved out). I'm not judging you for moving out. You probably had great reasons for leaving, but nobody has to leave unless it's a severe situation like domestic violence while still legally married. Our mortgage was paid off when we divorced, so I can't help you with that one - sounds like your husband has taken over the responsibilities of the house. My family helped pay for the Lawyer. If Housing continues to be a problem later on, contact your local Public Housing office. Best wishes.