Womans Divorce Forum

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Is there any woman with young kids on the verge of divorce who wants to talk?
I have no one to talk to.

Re: Miserable

Hi Elizabeth, I separated from my husband of 15 years 2 months ago. I have 3 young children and only moved to the US from Europe in the spring, so don't have family or old friends here. I hope you're OK - it's really hard going through this process, but my husband was becoming increasingly abusive and I didn't feel I had any choice but to end the marriage. I haven't started divorce proceedings yet but will do soon. I hope you are taking care of yourself - sometimes it's hard but we have to keep going for our lovely children.

Re: Miserable

Hi Elizabeth,
Yep I'm on the verge of divorce too. I tried to get a permanent protection order, but I didn't have a strong enough case. How is it going for you?