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He made me fall in love again to tell me he was done

My husband and I separated a year ago, just to try and figure out what we really wanted in life,we lost ourselves in the marriage.Life was going good, we were on good terms, share two beautiful boys. Physical relationship want not existent for a long time after the separation. The relationship began to turn for the best at the beginning of the year spending time together a lot more, laughing, minimal arguing, its felt as before, putting our children and family first. the physical relationship started again, we had made it clear to each other, that we were doing this and with no one else. This past summer one was amazing, we had heart to hearts chose to forgive each other, had family trips, stayed together. i thought i was getting my family again, something that i didn't think would happen anymore i had already i had made peace with that. He came back to me, i stayed away, was living my life, this past week i found out that hes been having an affair with a coworker, not physical but an extremely emotional, she happens to be married. He told me we are never getting back together, that he wants to be with her. My heart has been shattered, i feel like im mourning my best friend even though hes very much alive, im dissapointed in him. i have such expectations for him, its like i loved and married someone i dont even know. im so lost, if he loves her so much, why did he have a relationship with me? i got ahold of their text messages, she made fun of me, how i was some crazy exwife, when all along he was in my bed, calling me crying about his familys drug problems, im the one thats been there for years, he told me he loved and wanted to having more children with just a couple weeks ago. does he really love her? i sit her and think i dont want him back, but i want my best friend. nothing makes sense to me. how can he do this to me? her.. in my mind shes just someone who was fresh and made him feel good and distracted him from his problems, and her? shes married, newly married, how can she love someone or want ot spend the rest of her life with someone shes only known a few months? everyday i feel every emotion of grief, my anger, my denial , the fear, the guilt.

Re: He made me fall in love again to tell me he was done

Adriana: She sounds unbalanced - newly married and already having an affair. This is a mess. Consider yourself lucky to be out of it. It is good you have some fine memories. I do too. See a Family Lawyer about a divorce and some child support and close all joint bank accounts and joint credit cards if you have them and get your own. A Lawyer would tell you to do this. Stay in the home. He can go live with her someplace. Sorry this happened. It takes time to get over something like this.