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A Workbook and Guide to Find Your Next (Best) Relationship

This manual is the product of over a decade of matchmaking by the nation’s best matchmaker.

Misty the Matchmaker helped people find the love they weren’t able to find on their own. She never just introduced good matches, she also helped her clients reestablish what a good match is!

Misty is responsible for thousands of successful relationships and dozens upon dozens of happy marriages.

In this manual you will take time to discover what you are really looking for in a partner and what you really have to offer in return. Skimming, rushing, or being dishonest with your answers will greatly diminish the process and negate the amount of actionable insight you will receive.

So, slow down and dig deep.

It's time for you to find the love you deserve; life is too short to have it any other way.

Link to amazon: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1727133250?pf_rd_p=d1f45e03-8b73-4c9a-9beb-4819111bef9a&pf_rd_r=0VT3KF81GANPVV5Z4XN0