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Husband's ex-wife drama

Does anyone else fall into the same boat as me? Here is the boat.... I am a divorced mother of two, I met my (now) husband and he was a divorced father of two, we had a child. Together there are 5 children. His ex-wife is the most annoying person on the planet, I don't say this because she is his ex-wife. I say this because she is constantly trying to create drama. My husband and I just want to spend our time doing our things with our family. One of her recent episodes was in regards to homework and papers not coming back from our home in the children's folder. She never brought the concern to us but instead told the 6-year old that we will never see their papers again, she also gave the 6-year old a letter that was addressed to his teacher but for some reason, he thought it was for me. I read the letter and it stated that the father has failed to return sons homework papers and that if teacher needed she could send her a photo of the papers. So two things with this, one, why on earth is she taking photos of the paperwork she claims to be missing and two, we have never seen any paperwork come to our home, she goes through child's folders and backpack before we see the child and the only thing in the bag is homework that needs to be done. My husband doesn't seem to mind that she is obnoxious and always creating drama, but it really stresses me out.

Re: Husband's ex-wife drama

Hi, sounds like the x wife doesn't have a life. The more you give her any attention she'll continue to create drama. Just ignore her drama and I'm sure you'll notice it drops.

Life is short...enjoy your kids and give them all love and support and you'll be just fine.