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Under the influence of alcohol when he filed

Hi, My husband filed for the divorce while he was on a vodka binge and under the influence when he seen his lawyer. And he works with his family in their business in our town. He has had them involved in our marriage since we left our Colorado home in 2011. His family blames me for everything of course with his drinking and if I am out of the picture then the little blue birds will tweet and all will be sweet and blah blah blah. His dad's saying all along no matter what year or matter was at hand.. WHATEVER IT TAKES... I found my new little place its quite the neat story not what they pulled behind my back to get him into a house to buy that his dad had to put in his name for now. I feel I am owed something for doing all the stuff to get the home ready for sale, garage sale and so much more. It cost $1100.00 to get into my new place and the deposits and I want to change my name back to maiden name. I figure 1500.00 but he doesn't feel they owe me anything. What would you do? The ethics of his lawyer (she) and theirs as what they do is pathetic at the least... thanks and I love this website... gratitude HUGS you all.. marla