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Treated like a slave

Its being few minths i shofted here with my husbnd and 2 year ols daighter from india.. things were never good between but i kept on trying... but its evn gettng more worse... aftr shiftng he startd to be more over possesiv.. doubts on me ... doesnt let me go out.. deleted my facbook instagram and evry social networkng site... seperated me from my family. I am not allowed to talk to them ... keeps an eye on me all time as if spmthng is gonna be wrong... things are just messed up like hell.. i need to get out of it and decided to start a new life here... but for that initially i need to start workng and save some money so that i can survive in beginning.

Will it be easier for me to survive in jus two months of when i ll start working

Re: Treated like a slave

Get out, this is horrible and will likely get worse.

Re: Treated like a slave

Indian husbands! You need to be brave. Do you have any family around here? If not it will be worst but you should be strong for your daughter