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Heart broken over divorce

My narc and I been separated for years And he’s hoovered the entire time and gives me the silent treatment often. Today when I said he could of stopped by house he told me he was with a girl and that they could together if I wanted him to. He was not serious he was letting me know he’s with her. He never in years of being separated told me he’s with a girl. I knew he has been with many but he would never say that to me. Even when he lived with a girl, he just told me it’s where he lived. I know sounds ridiculous. I took it as he is finally telling me he doesn’t want me and he means it for good. He never would of said that before. For years I wished he would just tell me that he didn’t want me instead of ignoring me and then tell me he loved me and thought then I could move on but now that he did I can’t take how bad it hurts. The pain feels unbearable to know my husband will never want me again. I don’t want to live everyday without him

Re: Heart broken over divorce


Re: Heart broken over divorce

I was married to a narcissist too
He has now left me after 30 years for younger woman. Im devestated and dont know why,he controlled me all my life. I know what your pain feels like and im so sorry. Wouldnt wish this on anyone.xx Debs.x

Re: Heart broken over divorce

I'm so sorry, I feel the same way about my situation right now. Knowing my husband doesn't want to be married to me, that hurts so bad. I'm sorry you are feeling that way. I'm eish I had more words of encouragement, but I'm still grieving also, so just know you're not alone in your feelings. It will take time to heal and you'll find someone who will be there for you the way you need him to be. I telling myself that all the time,but I know it still hurts.
Just one day at a time, take it one day at a time.