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My daughter's are stopping my divorce

I have been married over 30 years with three adult daughters who I love dearly. I have been unhappy for the last 10 years of my marriage. I have fought revulsion and disgust with my husband since we were married over his personal alone habits. But I have felt dead inside for the last 10 years. I allowed myself to fall into an affair with the most beautiful man who is everything I have ever dreamed of. I am in love with him and want to be with him. He feels the same towards me. I have tried to end my life with my husband telling him I did not love him and why. Telling him his habits have always repulsed me and I wanted out of our marriage. He went to all of our daughters and told them about my affair and my plans to leave him. Now they have all revolted against me with hate I never knew possible. They are between 22-28 years old, all college educated and none of them living at home. None of them are married. They are my life but they are breaking my heart. I have agreed to not get a divorce and I have told the man I love I can't be with him, I have to fix my family. I'm asking for your help and please don't judge me, you haven't been where I have gone. Thank you all

Re: My daughter's are stopping my divorce

When you say "fix my family" what do you mean? No judgement at all, I just want to make sure I understand where you are coming from.

What is the driving factor of your decision to stop your divorce?

I have been married over 30 years with three adult daughters who I love dearly. I have been unhappy for the last 10 years of my marriage. I have fought revulsion and disgust with my husband since we were married over his personal alone habits. But I have felt dead inside for the last 10 years. I allowed myself to fall into an affair with the most beautiful man who is everything I have ever dreamed of. I am in love with him and want to be with him. He feels the same towards me. I have tried to end my life with my husband telling him I did not love him and why. Telling him his habits have always repulsed me and I wanted out of our marriage. He went to all of our daughters and told them about my affair and my plans to leave him. Now they have all revolted against me with hate I never knew possible. They are between 22-28 years old, all college educated and none of them living at home. None of them are married. They are my life but they are breaking my heart. I have agreed to not get a divorce and I have told the man I love I can't be with him, I have to fix my family. I'm asking for your help and please don't judge me, you haven't been where I have gone. Thank you all

Re: My daughter's are stopping my divorce

Hi Ashley, thank you. I am trying to repair my relationship with my daughters...I know, so stupid...as far as my husband goes, still Dead inside with my feelings toward him.

Re: My daughter's are stopping my divorce

You need to live your life for you! You've done your job as a mother and your daughters have no right to pass judgement on you! Explain your feelings to your daughters and if they can't accept your decision to want to be happy and live life with someone you love, then you need to walk away! Your daughters are young and being selfish, they'll either come around or not, but either way you will be happy! Life is short, go get it!

Re: My daughter's are stopping my divorce
