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Drunk Ex- Venting

I'm not going to get into everything. I could write a book. The main reason I separated was my ex husband's drinking. No exaggeration, he drank 18-22 beers per night every night. He said that number was completely off since he drinks light beer. He was drinking during the day and before work because he was sick. I tried to get him help but it just got worse. He lied to me and said he wasn't drinking when he was- he would use Halls to cover up the smell but I could tell by the way he spoke. He would get mean and stomp off without talking to anyone. I thought I could keep this away from my daughter but she would ask questions, and she saw her father fall down the stairs and break his ribs. He yelled at both of us when we tried to help him. She's 10. That was that, he had to leave.

He wouldn't intentially hurt her, but I worry that when she goes to his house she is exposed to and influenced by his drinking. I have a lawyer and if he was dangerous I could most likely get full custody with supervised visits. I want her to see her dad but he won't stop drinking. How could I stop him from behaving this way? He calls drunk and tells me that I'm hurting my daughter if I don't let her go to his house every weekend. He also owes me child support (about $7000) but says I should pay him spousal support.