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Husband has a problem with hoarding

I met my husband many years ago. We lost touch he married someone else and had a child with her. 3 years later they divorced and then we started dating. He was always a lover of reptiles and when we started he had 5. I didn’t care, I was fine with it. Over the months we had many issues with his ex wife. She wanted as much free time as she could get so we wound up having her 4 days a week half of that time I was taking care of her while he worked. The only thing we had was sex as we had no free time for ourselves. I got pregnant with our son as my pregnancy went on my husbands ex wife grew more bitter calling him and fighting with him all the time. I almost lost my son and had to go on bed rest. After our son was born we got married and moved into his house. He brought home 5 more reptiles so now we had 10. I addressed this with my pediatrician and he told that it was not a good time to be taking in anymore animals. I went home to talk to my husband and I told him to put them in the basement. He got mad at me and told me to take the baby and leave. After that he agreed and put them in the basement. 2 years later and many issues later I got pregnant again. I had my daughter and my son had just been diagnosed with autism. He decided to bring in about 25 more reptiles and start breeding. I begged him to wait till the kids to get older. I told him you have a full time job and 3 kids this is not the time for this. He stomped his feet told me he was sick of compromising and did what he wanted. I wound up slipping into a very deep depression. We fought about his animals we fought about money we fought about our autistic son we fought about family and his ex wife. For years not only was I taking care of my children but also his on the weekends I was exhausted needed a break. Every time I told my husband her mother needed to step and take care of her while he’s at work I got yelled at and accused of being the horrible human being. At this point there were 50 reptiles in my basement. He was also sneaking in sick animals that people were giving him. They would die he would put them in the freezer and skin them. We moved and he cut it down to 30. After a while I just couldn’t take it anymore my kids pediatrician became concerned and 2 night ago I told him I love him and I’m willing to work on every other issue we have but I can’t have 30 reptiles in my basement with my young children. He started moving his animals out and went with them. Yesterday we had huge fight I yelled in his face and told him he was horrible for choosing animals over his family. He then proceeded to change the subject and make it my fault that the marriage was ending. I’m devastated he’s left me with two children.