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My husband is demanding I not contact family during separation

I have a unique situation. My husband cheated and was caught by me. I have tried to be amicable during the separation process. We have two children. I have spoken to his parents about subject and thought everyone was being amicable through the process. He has moved to our basement apartment and comes and goes as he pleases. I have been very kind and am just trying to get through all of this while focusing on my kids and their happiness.

Last night I asked him if he had set up a time over the weekend to meet with the Grandparents to exchange gifts. He said he forgot. I asked him to let me know if they were free.

This morning he emails me and said to be advised...If I contact any of his family including his parents, law enforcement will be involved. If I threaten anyone, law inforcement will be involved. I am quite stunned. I have never done a single negative thing through this process except tell his parents what happened when they came to visit. But everything was fine as far as I knew.

My question is: does he have the right to ban me from speaking to his family? Should I mail the Christmas gifts? This is all pretty crazy to me. I would appreciate any advice from anyone!
Thank you

Re: My husband is demanding I not contact family during separation

My ex did something similar. He said he would punish me if i ever spoke to his family, because it made them uncomfortable. He was cheating and abusive. I told them so they could help have some sort of intervention. I thought being heavily involved with our church they could suggest what to do to save our marriage. They said it was none of their business. He went as far as saying his parents thought i qas stealing their DVDs and food when I would visit with our newborn. Turns out they never said that, bit they did t like me or the baby which they were convinced couldnt be my husband's because he looked too much like me. Eventhough everyone else said he was my Exs clone.

If you have had a good relationship with them, screen shot everything or print everything. And simply send an email or a note with the gift showing he has said those things, and saing unless they reach out to you, that you will not contact them again to respect the wishes. An email or txt chian would be better than a letter for continuity proof that thats all you said.