Womans Divorce Forum

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Getting a divorce

My marriage is over, and I think we are going to divorce, I'm so distraught I don't k ow what to do. My heart is hurting and I am trying to he strong for my daughter but it's so hard to be motivated for life right now. I'm not suicidal, I'm just heart broken. It all just hurts so bad

Re: Getting a divorce

Jackie I wish I had words to heal your heart but only time can do that, and it will. I have been there 4 times with the same man and doing it again, but on my terms now.
Advise I will give you start to get your financial house in order.
If you do not have a credit card in your name only get it now while you have his income. Lawyers require a retainer do not rely on your husband to help. Start setting cash aside do not open any accounts.(money orders or hide cash)
When he finds out the child support and any maintenance he will have to give you will see a different side of him.

You must think about yourself and your daughter. You get up tomorrow and live for yourself and your baby!!

Wishing you all the best.