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Parenting plan; seeking advice. 2 weeks on/off?

My soon-ex and I both work, but I've always been part-time so I can also be the primary parent. But now he wants 50/50 custody (and tied it directly to $$… with a spreadsheet showing how when I increase my work hours and he decreases his, we could theoretically bring in similar income, too (smells of getting out of child support)).

Anyway, I think I'm the better parent for multiple reasons I'll not get into right now, and so if he thinks 50/50 is so great, I'd like to collect some data. I think the best way to do that is to start with 2 weeks at each parent's house. That way they have time to settle into a routine (or lack thereof) and behavior at school (already a challenge) can be gauged. If during the 2 weeks with ex, the kids do fine, then fine, apparently you're the Super Dad you think you are. If they flounder more there than when they're with me, then guess what, the data shows I do better at supporting them in a way that shows in school, too.

He wants 1 week on, 1 week off.

Thoughts as to the better route? (And if the 2 week experiment is honored for a few months and data shows I'm the better parent, yes, I'd want primary custody (not sole custody; just the bulk of the time, as I think it's better for the kids to be with the better parent). Is there a chance the data will show he's the better parent? Yup, there is. And if it does,then I'll be reassured that yes, we can go 50/50 without unnecessary harm to the kids.


Re: Parenting plan; seeking advice. 2 weeks on/off?

UUUHHH....if the data shows he is the better parent, wouldn't your line of reasoning give him primary custody? What is good for the goose is good for the gander.