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Judge in PA is deciding home equity day of pre trial conference?

I desparetely need help. i don't know what to do? I filed for divorce 2 years ago with an attorney who I thought was a little odd at first but I didn't know him so how do you know what you are getting in to? I will try to make this short but my attorney dragged his feet for so long I couldn't make sense out of him. He knew I had very little money and said he would work with me on payments. I received very little notice of what was going on with the divorce process.I paid him almost $450.00 at first with nothing progressing. Then I fired him bc he wasnt communicating with me. I had to pay him another $150.00 to get my file. In my file I did find communicaton from my ex's attorney that I was not aware of? I kept asking him how much money he wanted and he would not answer me. After getting another attorney and paying him $775 which he did absolutely nothing I fired him but did get $700.00 back. I rehired my old attorney bc he promised he would help me. He told me my ex would sign over the house to me if I forgave child support arrears of approximately $4000.00. In the years that we were separated I paid both mortgages myself. First mortgage is for house but second mortgage was for marital credit card debt. I thought it fair for him to pay half of second mortgage. At pretrial conference that is what I thought was going to happen but my attorney came out of counsel with judge with a glazed appearance over him and said I had to come back bc he was not prepared for it? He had another attorney helping him which I knew nothing about? Turns out my attorney was Dementia and has no idea what he is doing and thats why this other attorney was helping him. Now he wants paid so much money that I cannot even understand? I came back to the second pretrial conference bc I thought new attorney was going to help me after I had supplied him with so much information. But Judge decided i should pay my ex $12,000.00 for his share of the home equity bc she decided on the 50/50 split from date of pretrial and not date of separation?? I am 61 years old, had lung cancer in 2015 with half my lung removed. My health is not great but I feels he was favored bc he is on disability. My financial circumstances are bad. I support my 21 year old son who has deep mental health issues and is unable to work. I have a 16 year old daughter who does draw $665.00 from the disability. The judge and my attorney think this is so much money and I should be able to get a refinance loan? I tried to get a home equity loan in July and was turned away bc debt to income is too high and I have 2 charge offs on my credit report not due to come off until February. I have almost $10,000.00 in credit card debt. i dont know what to do?