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Husband says he is going to leave me if I don’t get hwlo

My husband of 15 years has said he is going to leave me if I don’t get help with my anxiety. He causes much of my anxiety. The Main reason we are still married is because of our kids. What do I do?? He has issues he needs to worm on also but he thinks it’s all my fault.

Re: Husband says he is going to leave me if I don’t get hwlo

Hey Sally,

I'm so sorry for the way you feel, I really wish I could help tou get out of anxiety coz.. I'm in the same boat that you're sailing.. it's almost a year since I'm married.. and my husband doesn't love me at all..!! Due to his wandering eye and his past - that really haunts me.. all I can give us a small piece of advice is..be strong.. nothing is permanent in this world.. even if he wants to leave let him free...you have your kids..take courage in bringing them up. Always remember.. you are stronger than you think... We ladies are independent.. and not bonded slaves to our so called husband's

Re: Husband says he is going to leave me if I don’t get hwlo

I'm going Sri reply to this more from your husband's points of view. My almost ex husband of 25 years also had anxiety. without boring y'all with details, know that we walk in egg shells around you 24/7. We don't know if you're ok that moment/day or not. Your anxiety is causing other issues that are affecting the relationship too. for example: I was accused of having an affair and paid the price as tho I did, for 22 of the 25 years I was with my husband. I wasnt. But ironically, at least for the last five years he was. Why? Because he had convinced h himself that I was, so it was ok for him. Except I wasn't and now our 25 year marriage is over. I truly believe if he had dealt with his anxiety beyond popping Xanax for it, we wouldn't be where we are. Get yourselves help, but do it for YOU, because YOU are worth it and you DO deserve to be happy.