Womans Divorce Forum

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Starting of Divorce

I have not filed fir divorce yet but will within the month. I am more concerned about my daughter’s and parents reaction. I just want to be happy and want to think about myself. Plus...my mom is full of advice, which I don’t need to hear all the time.

Please help!
Thank you.

Re: Starting of Divorce

Their reactions reactions may surprise you for the better. I thought out of all my family members that my mother was going to be the least supportive and nothing but critical while my father would be supportive but disappointed and none of that happened. However even if it had nobody's reaction should matter. You have your reasons to file and want a better life and that should be all that matters. I don't have any children so hopefully someone else will be able to give advice for how to break the news to her no matter what her age is.

Be strong.