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Ex-husband’s Fiance

I need help with how to deal with my Ex-husbands fiancé. Before her, we were civil. Communicated about issues, no issues stopping by to see my kids (I never went inside, just on the street and they can’t out and he would do the same), kids enjoyed playing fantasy football against each other, as well as March madness. When we divorced, I made it clear that I moved away from family for him and he needed to help when I needed it. So he has taken me to the hospital, brought me my keys if I locked myself out of my car, sat next to each other and chatted at games, etc. he has even come on vacation since the divorce with me and my family. This fiancé, I find is over stepping her bounds. Any civilness we used to have is long gone. She won’t let him communicate with me, he now just told my family that she doesn’t want him communicating with them anymore. She calls my kids the same nick name I have for them, she tells my kids they are a disappointment to her if they have an argument with their father (when the arguments are because of her), she makes medical decisions for my children without anyone communicating to me, she questions my parenting ability to my kids, and she tells my kids they are to go to her for things and not to me. My youngest is 16 and has told his father that her being around stresses him out and not to bring her to his sporting events. However, his father’s response is, too bad she is putting pressure on him to attend. His father used to be very involved with things, however since her he has missed so many sporting events, visitation. My son has communicated this all to him that every since her he has changed for the worst and I tend to agree with him. She is now posting pictures of her and my kids to her Facebook tagging it with “family”. We start coparenting counseling Saturday and I want to be prepared on what I can expect is reasonable to tell this lady. She has exhibited so much jealously and control over my ex and my kids I’m not sure what she would be capable of if she doesn’t get everything that she wants which is my kids to herself. Any advice?