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Divorce question

I'm currently in a very long drawn out divorce. My ex is currently paying temporary spousal and child support well below the magistrates final order but no increase because the final magistrate's decision was disputed in Feb. 2018 we had our final hearing in front of the Judge in June of 2018 no decision has been made yet. I have received temporary support for 1 1/2 years during this nightmare divorce and in the magistrates decision he awarded alimony for 4 years will that be deducted for the time we've received temporary support? Is there any way to have the judge make a final ruling?

Re: Divorce question

I'm sorry I can't be more helpful because my marriage ended with no kids and he didn't ask for alimony from me, but in terms of the judge's final ruling if your lawyer doesn't know is there any way you can look up your case online in your state's database and see if there is any note from the judge that can lend more information on the matter such as an upcoming court date?