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Just worried

My ExH and I have been divorced for just over 2 years and were seperated for juat less than one. While we were married he was abusive, and cheated on me with anything that moved. I have made alot of effort to forgive and move on with our preschool aged child that he is not involved with.

He has been dating a woman with a child a few years older than our own. They have been off and on since we were still together (living together married). In the last few months they have been serious. I expect an engagement soon. They also have lived together dince our divorce.

I havent had 1 date since I was dating my ExH, let alone anyone else. And Im happy with it. Im rebuilding my life.

However, even though my ex WAS A BAD PERSON when we were together, everything seems to be great for him now, and he is starting to want to be a part of our childs life. He is a stranger to you child though.

Our decree says he can not have any opiset sex members stay the night unless they are married, but he lives woth his makeshift family, and has started floating around the idea of our just turned 5 year old going to stay 2 weeks with them.

Idk what to do. Or how to feel.