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Slowly climbing out of Hell

Now I'm more depressed than ever. Oh I wish I had found this site years ago. I'm stuck and my husband is enjoying it. We have not lived in the same home for three years.But we both own them jointly, deed and mortgage.He has taken all the money we had in joint accounts and done something with them. So I can't hire my own attorney. I've tried. For some reason they want to get paid for their work. And I don't qualify for free legal aid because I'm connected with the money he makes. So here I am in hell that because of my stupidity as well . I can't go anywhere ,I can't even try to start a good life for myself. I've been a stay-at-home wife and mother for most of our marriage which this past Sept.9 was 46 years. I'm 63 yrs.old with no skills and poor health . And don't believe when you read they're an equal opportunity employer.There is no such thing.It just looks good on paper.So now what? Any advice will be greatly appreciated. Please no pity, I've thrown enough of those party's all by myself.I am better these days I have found a wonderful friend again after several years and in all the years we knew each other never knowing we were going through some of the same things. We were good very good at pretending. She has been my shoulder to cry on, my cheerleader, and my prayer partner. God has surely placed her in my life again at just the time I needed her the most. So even in this I have something to be thankful for.

Re: Slowly climbing out of Hell

Laura: I would contact your local women's services center because he is abusing you financially.

Re: Slowly climbing out of Hell

What is and where would one find a local woman’s service center?

Re: Slowly climbing out of Hell

I would go on line to look for a women's services center in your area or call a local State Govt. agency to see if they have phone listings for one or call the Domestic Violence Hotline.

Re: Slowly climbing out of Hell

I agree with Lara. There are many resources, it takes time. I’m starting the process myself. I’m getting all my ducks in a row. He won’t know what hit him.