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I don't even know where to start. Soon to be ex is disabled. I've been with him many years, supported him fully when he didnt work several years. He finally gets a job, thanks to the thousands of applications i filled out. He comes from wealthy family, has always put them first. I could count on 1 hand how often they've called him over the years, but my check has purchased gifts for their over 2 dozen nieces and nephews. He also has a creepy sexual fetish that repulses me. Haven't had sex in years but have tiptoed around it because he attempted suicide when he was young because he felt so different with the fetish. Yuk

Fast forward a few years, i finally cant take it anymore. He spends money so extravagantly, puts his family and friends above me, and expects me to be driver and funder for all this nonsense. I finally filed for divorce. After all this, hes now being absolutely hateful, trying to go after me for buyout of house plus alimony...plus everything he possibly can get, even though he's working full time and we have no kids.

Please tell me this will get better. The bs law where I live pretty much is entirely skewed in favor of whomever makes the least.

Thanks in advance for any advice m.

Re: Disgusted

Amanda: I have been divorced since 2009. Yes, it does get better. You need a Lawyer if you don't already have one. Please do not have anything to do with him following the divorce for your own sanity. Let Lawyers - his and yours - do the talking after that if something comes up. My ex had high functioning Autism - didn't know that when we married. If you still want to give gifts for his family/kids, make them really modest ones, especially if they are young. My new person in my life also puts friends/family above me, always and spends on things he never should.....just moved out. Best wishes. My heart goes out to you. My ex tried to get everything, too. Hope your Lawyer can help you out as much as he/she can. Check the divorce laws on line from a reputable web site about your State. Best wishes.

Re: Disgusted

Thank you so much, Lara. I truly hope things improve for you too. All my best. I really appreciate you taking the time to read my post and offer such kind words of encouragement. Take care