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Advice please

Hi .so i m not a divorcee yet .but i am in a troubled marriage .my husband is suffering from erectile dysfunction and its been 3 years of sexless marriage .we love each other a lot .he is a great guyb.understands that i m unhappy because of this and is eilling to divorce me if i want ,despite knowing the fact that he will have niw nowhere to go after the divorce.everything else is perfect on our marriage except this both of us love kids and want our babies and i dont know even if that is possible .we have tried 6 doctors .some worl for a while some just dont .but there has not been any permanent solution to this .this problem is starting to depress me now and i m gettunb frustrated .please tell me if i should get a divorce.as you all have been through this phase i thought if yu can guide me .

Re: Advice please

Remember your vows. In sickness and in health till death do you both part. This is something that I failed at. My advice is to see the good in him beyond the bedroom. Do other things to spice up your marriage. Sex isn't everything as there are other ways to connect in your marriage such as emotionally. Go on trips, take time for one another because if you both love one another. You should be able to love beyond the bedroom.

Re: Advice please

My heart goes out to you......I'm in the same boat and it HURTS.
I feel as though I'm undesirable, unlovable, etc.
Do you feel the same way?

How do you think you will resolve it?

I don't want a marriage without passion.
I'm truly of the philosophy that we only live once and we should try to make it the very best possible.

I cannot let go of my anger.
How are you coping?

Re: Advice please

its so easy for people to say sex is not everything and they would be right for some people but even though my problem is different to yours in many ways the problem is similar.

when you end up in a friendship place with someone you are ment to be in a marriage with it does not mean that you do not love them but it can feel like you are settling for a relationship that is not what you wanted.

you can end up resentful and feeling like you are missing out and need something more even if you have been alright up to now the long term effects of feeling unattractive and not desired can really take there toll. it is harder still in your position as it is not a choice from either of you.

i guess what im really trying to say is its not easy and you shouldn't feel bad that it hurts and might not be right for you sometimes you need to put yourself first and just ask could you be truly happy in your situation if you cant then you need to make some hard choices.