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Divorcing after 16 years...

I absolutely love my husband but I went through a terrible season of unhappiness within my self that led to me having false feelings that my husband didn't love me that caused me to act on having multiple affairs outside of our marriage. When my husband found out. It crushed him very badly. After 14 years of fidelity and overall happiness. We are at that place where he uses divorce very loosely when he speaks. I also discovered that he reached into his past and was talking to someone for a month when he had no words for me but yet he was speaking with that female for hours at a time 3, 4, 5 times a week and throughout the day. When I brought it to his attention he became defensive, called me out of my name and shared his decision to divorce me later that evening. He's been MIA several times throughout the last 2.5 months, ignores me at times and was communication with one of guys wives that I had an affair with. We both are saved and have had many challenges before and now after 16 years of marriage. We have 2 girls together and i just dont know what to do. We havent lived together in months and we have slept with one another several times through last Sunday but with him sharing his decision about divorcing. I have been trying to distance myself until we get our business straight but IT IS HARDDDDD! I'm praying and asking God for a miracle to heal my marriage but I can't want it alone. Any advice for where I am?

Re: Divorcing after 16 years...

You both have to sit down and decide what you truly want. If you both want to stay together, you have to both forgive each other, stop seeing anybody else, and develop a plan for your future. You may even need marriage counseling to help lead you to a good path. If you both decide you can't be happy with one another, then you have to first talk about what is best for your kids and how you can split as amicably as possible.