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Divorce while pregnant

I need some advice to at least help me to pass this situation.
I’m pregnant the first, from the beginning pf pregnancy, my husband seems doesn’t like it. He often makes me cry. Blame me on a small problem into big problme. All i feel is hurt and break and down. I started to speak up, say to him what i fell, but he just kept pushing me and make me sure that Im a worst wife.
I can’t take it anymore, i went home to parents. But it’s just make him mad. And end the relationship.
He end it while im 13weeks pregnancy.
He says if I want back to him, I have to follow everything he wants, don’t care it good for me and the baby or not, I gotta follow everything he says.
I get a chance to fix it but by becoming a ‘slave’ of my own husband.
Do i have to stand up and open a new page with my baby alone or do i have to follow all husband ask me to...

Re: Divorce while pregnant

My heart aches for you...
I was 6 month preg. with our second daughter when I found my husband under a blanket with our 19yr old babysitter. And this was not the final straw. They worked together to make me look like an unfit mother...And were almost successful.
My self esteem was destroyed, I allowed my husband to treat me horribly, and looking back don't recognize the woman I had become.
I found an amazing therapist, attorney, and reached out to friends.
A year later, a contentious divorce continues, I have spent over 30, 000, AND the hero in the situation is our 3 year old daughter.
My husband was arrested on 6 various felonies and misdemeanors, the day before the Parental responsibilities Evaluation (which would have weighed in his favor).
I could go on and on....
the point I am trying to make it that it will get a lot worse before it gets a tiny bit better, but you will get yourself back. You will be a better mother, person and stronger human being.

Re: Divorce while pregnant

Shindy: I think you should just stay with your parents and raise the baby with their help. Your husband sounds like a very controlling and abusive man. Find a Family Lawyer as soon as you can to get child support for when the baby is here. They can take the money electronically out of his pay and send it to a bank account you can open in your name only for things the baby needs.