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Advice-contemplating divorce

Can someone help...my husband and I have been together 24 years. We have a 13 year old and a 5 year old. My 13 year old sees my husband the way I do sometimes-just completely out of line, especially no when he’s drinking. My 13 year old does have a teenagers attitude but she is mature for her age and can spot nonsense a mile away. My 5 year old is loves his dad so much. I know my 13 year old does too, but she’s over him. He and I have been having discussions for the last 6-8 months. I’ve told him I’m not happy and he tries to change. Until I left a weekend and came back he really started to change think more about me, be fair, so much has happened-it’s so much. Anyway, things have been going good with us two but I don’t like the way he treats the kids sometimes. My daughter thinks I’m weak but she doesn’t understand. We weren’t alway unhappy and when he drinks is when i don’t like him. I think he’s too hard on the kids but I don’t know if he’s just being a different kind of parent than me. I’m a talker, an explainer and I can be soft but I can really get my point across too if I’m tired of them not listening or whatever. With me they want to do what I say or ask, with their dad they do it so they don’t have to deal with him. I love him and we been through a lot. I’m a child of divorce and that’s partly why I’ve stayed. It always affects the kids if you have jacked up step parents or a sucky dad. My husband is a good dad, I don’t know. Is this divorce worthy? Can I get some advice/opinions. He still takes things I say the wrong way, feel sorry for himself and places blame on me but not as much. I just don’t want to keep living in uncertainty. Thank you