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We love each other but my husband has decided he doesn't want sex

My husband and I have been together 15 years. We've had a rock solid marriage. Loving, funny, caring. We are loners and call each other 'best friends' as we tend too not have close friends.
The past year ha been tough. My husband has totally distanced himself from having sex. We've tried Viagra and it works however he told me yesterday he simply doesn't want to have sex. As I said, this has been on-going but this is the first time he flat out said 'no' to sex.

We're in the prime of life. He's not old and in great shape. Neither am I.
I cannot envisage a life without love, passion, etc.
I told him this and said if that's how he feels he should leave.He states he cannot due to his finances. I am the money earner in the house. I literally pay for everything and we are considered extremely comfortable but that's due to me, not him.

I love this man but I cannot live in a house with him in such close proximity with so much anger and hurt inside me.

I'm crying now just writing this.

Thanks for listening....as I previously stated. We are extremely private people and I wouldn't dream of sharing this within anyone who knows me.

Re: We love each other but my husband has decided he doesn't want sex

I have no words of the wisdom for you. I'm sorry you're going through this tho.

Re: We love each other but my husband has decided he doesn't want sex

I'm so sorry you're going through this. I cannot even begin to fathom the hurt his words caused you. I can only give an outsider's opinion and that's to clear your mind, take a good look at your life, and make a decision that you will be happy with for the next 5,10,15 years.