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35 years married and i get nothing

I never thought i would be in this spot!! Married to a cheater for 35 years, he has a 16 yr old son to prove it, and he has turned it all around to make it look like its my fault!! Im the bad person in this divorce!! I left home when i found his second phone, with 25 different girls pics, texts and calls!! Figuring like every other time he would miss me and come after me!! This time he fooled me. He didnt come find me and bring me home!! He had it planned months before. He quit paying my car payment 5 months before i left. Next thing i know, he introduces Michelle to our son, then moves her and her family in. And then breaks off all communication with me!! We were high school sweethearts and married when i graduated!! He was my everything!!!

Re: 35 years married and i get nothing

35 years wasted
I never thought i would be in this spot!! Married to a cheater for 35 years, he has a 16 yr old son to prove it, and he has turned it all around to make it look like its my fault!! Im the bad person in this divorce!! I left home when i found his second phone, with 25 different girls pics, texts and calls!! Figuring like every other time he would miss me and come after me!! This time he fooled me. He didnt come find me and bring me home!! He had it planned months before. He quit paying my car payment 5 months before i left. Next thing i know, he introduces Michelle to our son, then moves her and her family in. And then breaks off all communication with me!! We were high school sweethearts and married when i graduated!! He was my everything!!!
I left with half my clothes, no money, no job and no where to go. Stayed in my car at Wal-Mart parking lot as long as i could. After my car was repoed, at my sisters, then finally with my daughter and her family. They support me now. I make 9.00 an hour. My husband over 40.00 an hour. Seperated now for about 4 years. I borrowed money from family to pay for divorce. All i asked for was alimony. None of the things in the house, he can have it all. Now i find out that the State of Missouri states that since i worked throughout the marriage, the state of Mo. Says im not entitled to alimony!! I domt understand!!! It doesnt make sence.

Re: 35 years married and i get nothing

The alimony laws have changed. I only worked part-time (raising a child/no affordable day care/family worked) for half the marriage so I got alimony for a few years until my Dad's Estate came thru. I still shop at thrift shops and cut back to basic cable t.v. - only still have a light on when in the room - went to the Food Pantry when I needed to in the beginning - money saving tips for all. Worst thing - having to pay own health/dental insurance - cost has skyrocketed. Best wishes.