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Older women learning from each other

I am 61 and recently divorced. I would love to get feed back
From other women on how they are handling their divorce.

Re: Older women learning from each other

Hi Katy,
I am 57 and currently going through divorce. We are in the preliminary assets and debts. I am so scared for the future. I was married 22 years and I just don't know how to move on without him in my life despite the unhappiness of the marriage. I have been doing a lot of reading on coping and things I can do to rediscover myself. I will try all of it. I want to move on. Right now, I am just numb. I am moving 5 hours away so that should help quite a bit. I will be with family and back in my home town. I have to start over again. Trying to make a fresh start. That's all I can do for now. I hope you are doing ok. It's such a rough ride at our age going through this. I wish you all the best on your journey.

Re: Older women learning from each other

I am 55, been going through the process for 3 years now; divorce was finalized in 2017 but still going back and forth to court because ex isn't following numerous court orders regarding money (house/alimony/pension/etc).
I don't regret the divorce one bit....it was a 25 year marriage that should of never happened to begin with. My regret is that no one ever said how difficult life would be, how expensive ($21K and rising), how longtime friends would leave you, or how my own family has taken his side and no longer talk to me; it's been impossible to move on - constantly having to relive the old life.

Re: Older women learning from each other

I am also 61 and my husband wants a divorce. No other woman involved but he says our marriage is not of God. He refuses counseling. I am moving back to live near family but this is hard at this age. I look forward to responses on coping as well

Re: Older women learning from each other

I was 46 when ex left. It does get better. I keep the radio or t.v. on for company. I also joined senior yoga and a low cost indoor pool and have a boyfriend. Best wishes to you.

Re: Older women learning from each other

I’m 61 going through divorce and married for over 30 years, my adult children are so mad and refuse contact us, it has been 5 months since that happened, I miss them terribly. I tried contact them and they responded couple times stating they need time to get over the shock. They are my main purpose of life. Anyone experienced this and how to cope with it?

Re: Older women learning from each other

I am 57, my divorce is not final yet. I was married for 31 years, the vast majority of them unhappy. I fantasized about getting a divorce for many years but fear stopped me. Fear of change, fear of the unknown, fear of loneliness. Turned out he walked out on me 9 months ago. Like Lara, I leave the radio or TV on much of the time. Daughter was so angry when we told her she stopped speaking to us. I told her I understood and I would be here when she was ready to talk and would answer any questions. She came around after a couple weeks. It is hard, but I am rediscovering the person I was before he sucked the joy and spirit out of my life. I deserve happiness and will find it, whatever it takes. I've allowed myself to grieve the loss of the marriage. I'm taking it one day at a time. I am not rushing myself. I just want this to be done and over and I want him out of my head for good.

Re: Older women learning from each other

Hi, Andie! I, too, am 57 years old, but only married 7.5 years. This is my 2nd divorce, and it does not get any easier...but, do know that time helps with healing. Do exactly as you’re doing by taking one day at a time. Just know that you are worth it, and you will find your “self” again. Life is entirely too short to live with someone who takes your joy...no one is worth that. Consider this a journey, and have faith, because you will survive this.