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I’m 51 in a miserable marriage which is coming to an end. I have no family, very few friends. I’m alone.
This is hard. Any suggestions?

Re: Alone

Hi Kam,

Do you have hobbies or interests you can throw yourself into? I know my outlet is the gym ... just getting that stress and frustration released from the physical exercise has saved me. While its good to have an outlet for that, its also important to work through your feelings? Are you seeing a therapist, clergy, support group? Definitely try to lean on your friends if you can too.

Re: Alone

I was 46 when ex left, what little family I had locally has died except for one senior. I have a few friends. They were my world after the divorce. I also have a boyfriend now and had a couple of cats for company. I keep the radio or t.v. on for company when alone and go to senior yoga. At senior yoga a few of the women are single/widows and also have a book club going and there are other classes associated such as a healthy smoothie class. I also belong to an indoor pool - just some suggestions. Perhaps you could do something like this. Focus on taking care of yourself and meeting new people. When the weather is nice, it costs nothing to go for a nature walk if you are able or walk a local Mall during bad weather. It does get better. Hope this helps. I've been divorced 10 yrs.

Re: Alone

It's very easy to say to make yourself busy. Baby steps maybe...it's hard to start when your mind is full of negative thoughts at the monent.

Re: Alone

Kam you should join a divorce group. It will give you a chance to meet other people.