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Divorce after over 19 years of marriage

My spouse filed for divorce this week after 19 1/2 years of marriage. I am completely devastated!!

Re: Divorce after over 19 years of marriage

I’m so sorry to hear that Heather. It is very hard to go through this process and there are SO many things- I wish I had done differently in the Divorce process. Read everything about the process and pitfalls. Above all... be kind to yourself.

Re: Divorce after over 19 years of marriage

I’m so sorry Heather. My divorce was finalized on December 28th if last year and I’m still devastated, lost and depressed. I did not see this coming. We never discussed or spoke about divorce. We were in counseling which was bc of he had heart surgery and it affected both of us.
He has killed everything inside of me.

Re: Divorce after over 19 years of marriage

I've been using the word "broken." He literally broke me when he announced that he wanted out. We've been together since we were 17 and I'm turning 50 this year. We were that couple that people envied with our relationship and I had so many plans for our future that have been ripped apart. I know how you feel. I've cried a million tears and they continue to fall. Everyone says it will get better with time but it seems impossible at this point. Keep reaching out for support whether it be on this forum, friends, family, coworkers, church, therapy, or support groups. When it first happened to me I didn't want to tell anyone but I'm finding out that I can't do it alone. Hang in there.

Re: Divorce after over 19 years of marriage

Hi Janet
I’m so sorry for what you’re going through...
I just wanted to share with you my own journey through a devastating heartbreaking marriage end and through recovering to a beautiful heart filled peace !!
Be kind to yourself x
