Womans Divorce Forum

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Womans Divorce Forum
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Give me your best advice

Hi all
I moved 6 years (2013) ago to the states. Left, house, car job for love. Got married 6months after. (2016) gave birth to my beautiful son, Dec 2016 bought a house together, started marriage counseling whoch ended 6months after. Unfortunately wasnt saving us.
Im a stay at home mom depending full on the husband. Now I want a divorce. I just cant handle it to stay in this marriage any longer. There is no love no affection no intimacy for 3years.....
i live in NY state and I am so scared. I found a lawyer and I could start the divorce proces but fear is soooooo hovering over my head...
Was anybody in a similar position? Stay at home mom who got divorce and fought back into work life???
I need some encouragement

Re: Give me your best advice

Can you email me on gregregiste@gmail.com. Sorry you went through all those. I will be glad to give you some candid advise. I was in your shoes some years back