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PAS (Parent alienation syndrome) of Mother

Married 23 yrs, stay at home mom 3/4 of that time.
2 1/2 yrs into process. Divorce finalized 1 1/2 yrs

Three kids.. (girl 19 me :boys 22&17 dad)1 remaining minor (17.5) boy lives with dad.
3- children total (22b, 19g, 17.5b)
I have had everything possible done to me and said to our boys about me, just to make sure the boys did not want to have a relationship with me. We had 2 minors at the time of our divorce and as soon as my daughter turned 18 he filed a motion to receive child support. He decreased his business salary to ensure it would devastate me financially. He was awarded it and also asked for 4K in back child support. Makes me angry at how unbalanced it is. He recently got remarried and He moved out of state without notice to me.. but he Left our son here alone with his 22 yr old party brother. He has forbidden me from going by to check on them. Taken all my weekends and holidays.. by discouraging him or not supporting ‘visitation’ Yes- I could have gone to the judge, but at his age no judge would make him.
I’ve done everything I can possibly do to get them to respond to text, calls or in person. I didn’t ‘do’ anything wrong to cause the divorce. They are upset about my leaving the way I did. They decided they didn’t want me in their life, they just picked that to justify it.
He hired Cordell & Cordell - a firm “Leveling the parlaying field for Men”
Married that long, walking out with an air mattress and a suitcase.. Didn’t see anything after I left... Just to escape the emotional/physical treatment... and I get to pay child support until he’s almost 19... has to graduate.
It’s unbelievable.

Re: PAS (Parent alienation syndrome) of Mother

Divorce sucks. Alienation sucks.

I am an alienated dad and I feel for you.

Move forward a little each day and control what you can - which may only be you. It IS PAINFUL. I found myself appreciating the fact that they are healthy and safe. Many people are worse off and would trade places w you!

Kids know more than we realize and they will see the truth. But, they are subject to those w "leverage and power" in short-run.

just try to improve you and your life, all else will follow.