Womans Divorce Forum

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Advice please

Hi, I have been with my husband 16 years married 3.5. He has always had a troubled life but we seemed to get through. 2 years ago he had an accident at work and things have gone down wrappedly since. He was off work for nearly 6 months with his accident/incident at work leaving me to pay all bills and run the house as well as hold down a full time and part time job, but in the last 18months I’ve lost all respect for him and want out - but how i don’t know. I went to see a solicitor in principle last year who gave me advice about money and rights. I have since then been trying to put money away so that when I have enough to be financially secure I can leave, Howe er the emotional abuse (which I know is wrong) is getting to the point I want to just bury m6 head in the sand. If I leave I can afford to pay rent on somewhere as well as contribute to the mortgage and bills as he will make things difficult and no doubt stop paying (he has already done this once). My other worry is that if we need to sell the house I will no longer be able to buy another property due to single wage etc. I want out but am trapped - any advice would be gratefully received.